Thursday, April 23, 2020

Media Studies Project Final Product

It is finally done. It feels good to finish knowing that I personally went through a lot of stress doing this. I think we did a good job.  It has been months and months of work. It has been hours writing blogs and citing sources. Months of deciding what our plans for our movie would be and implementing  what we decided to do with our movie.We made decisions such as how to emphasize the main characters sadness and where to film.We also made decisions about how to edit our video.   I really like how it came out. However there are some changes I would have make if I knew what I know now. I would have had my partner's siblings film in many different locations rather than just in Lake Jovita park and while my partner was driving.I also would have planned better so that we had more time to film and edit. I however think that it went excellent. It ended up being of good quality and it had good transition from the main character in the present to the main character in the past and vice versa. We picked a movie to create that my partner and I could both relate to.  We were trying to convey how the typical high school student feels going off to college and leaving their friends. It is an experience I will never forget! I started off thinking that I might like a job in the film industry.  While I may still want to do that, I have realized how much work goes into a production! And I think I would be very selective as to what segment of the industry I worked in. 
For example, I would not work as an actor or a director since I could not handle dealing with the actors or take the emotional stress or pressure of being an actor.


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Media Studies Project Final Product

It is finally done. It feels good to finish knowing that I personally went through a lot of stress doing this. I think we did a good job....