Sunday, February 2, 2020

Review of research

In this blog I will be talking about what I learned by researching movie in the drama/comedy drama genre. I will also be talking about the different filming location of each movie and how they were used. In drama/ comedy dramas I found that the movie usually begins by not at first showing the characters rather showing there surrounding or their items first. They also sometimes begin by establishing something that is needed for the audience to understand what is happening in the scene For example, in The Way, Way Back the movie begins with establishing the fact that the characters are moving and what the main characters our traveling past. This is done by showing a blur of green and then blackness. This helps to establish the fact that characters are moving down the count. In the Way, Way Back the movie also begins by establishing the relationship between the character. It also helps to set the tension in the scene. They dislike each other. Another example is in Julie and Julia the movie starts out by establishing the setting of the movie and by establishing the relationship between Julie and her husband. They have a loving relationship in which both truly love each other,

I also noticed that in movies that are a part of the drama/ comedy drama genre typically contain mid shots which help to establish who the main character/characters are.It can also help to establish the personality of a character For example, in Crazy Rich Asians mid shots are used to establish the personality of Mrs. Young which is prevalent throughout the movie. It comes in conflict with Rachel Chu (main character) of the story. This is one of the main premises of the movie.

The films where filmed in many different locations. For example, Crazy Rich Asians was filmed in Malaysia and Singapore while Julie and Julia were filmed in New York and New Jersey. These movies both filmed parts of the that filming location that looked like the area the movie supposedly took place at. They both utilized the area they filmed in and used it to their advantage.

Source: “Crazy Rich Asians.” IMDb,,
“Julie & Julia.” IMDb,,

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