Sunday, March 29, 2020

The mess

In this blog I will talking about something that blew me and my partner's plans out of the water. I will also be talking about how far we are along on our Aice Media Studies project.

We ended up having a crisis due to a virus called the corona virus. This caused all the schools in Florida to be closed till the 15th of April. The crisis also has caused many people including my partner to quarantine. This unfortunately means that we could not take the time to shot at more locations like we wanted or to record the sounds we wanted. The good news is that most of our movie clip is voiced over by music meaning that we do not have to rely on recording sounds. The parts that we dis record sound for my friend can do at home since she plays the character who does the speaking in the movie clip. We also have a recording of the speaking part of the movie clip. This also meant that I could not help make very many editing decisions since she could not share the editing program so that leaves me to check to see how far she is on the project and to motivate her to get it done. I have been communicating with her to see how far we are. She is currently editing video to get it perfect and has done some editing with sound. This means that we are pretty far along. The good news is that it has given me and my partner more time to work on the project as a whole since we do not have school. It gives me more time to write blogs and to edit old blogs. This means that they will most likely end up of higher quality. This will benefit my Aice Media studies project grade as a whole. It will give me a more likely chance of getting a higher grade.


Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Editing process

In this blog post I will be talking about the editing process and difficulty we found when trying to edit our movie.  
Image result for davinci resolve

The editing software we decided to use was Davinci resolve. One problem we found is that both of us are not able to work on the editing. This means that one of us must oversee editing. My partner was left in charge of editing the film.  We however think we found a solution to this problem. We discovered that with the editing software may allow us to share. This however did not end up working out since neither of us could figure out how to share it and our computers we were using took three days to load the program.  

My computer was full, so I had to delete somethings to make room for the program. The program also needed to have another program installed in order to make the program install. This means that I also needed to make room for this program to be downloaded as well. My partner (Bess Rom) had it downloaded unfortunately she had to update her computer which also took her awhile. This means that both of us had to take time out of editing to download uploads and download the program.  This program however ended up working well since it is easy to edit with and allowed my partner to be able to edit sound in the same program. It also took a while for what we filmed to download into the program. It took several days to download since we filmed constantly. This means that we lost time to edit the film due to slow downloading. This means that we have less time to make decisions about how we want to edit our film and less time to determine whether we need to film more. We ultimately did not end up needing to film more. This ultimately meant we had less time to spend on the editing process.  

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Look and feel of our movie

In this blog I will be talking about the look and feel of our movie ad how our look and feel will be created.

We plan on making the scenes with the feeling when two characters are together versus when the one character is alone. We plan on doing this by adjusting the lighting in scenes with only the main character so that there is low key lighting. This will help to create a feeling of sadness and gloom. This will help to create a sense that the main character misses her friend. She is lonely without her friends. She wants to be with her friend again. She misses her friend deeply. She does not know how to live life without her. On the other hand, the scenes where the two characters are together me and my partner will either keep the lighting the same or brighten the lighting in the scenes with the two characters together. This will help to create a sense of joy and happiness. This will help to show the peace the character feels when she is with her friends. The joy she feels when she is with her friends. This is important because it helps to create of the contrast between the two characters together and one of the characters alone a sense that the one friend leaving brought a major change to the friend in high school. It destroyed what she thought she knew. In other words, it changed +the dynamic of her life. She was used to a life with her friend and now she does not know what to do. She is lost without her friend in her life. This contrast also helps to emphasize the difference in the main characters (the girl who is in high school) personality due to her friend leaving. She went from happy, joyful to sad and lonely.

Type of budget

In this blog post I will be talking further about who ended up playing in our movie, technology we used to film our movie and sound in our movies. I will also be talking about the budget for our movie

My partner (Bess) and I ended up playing the actors in our film. This meant that Bess ended up playing the girl in high school whose friend went off to college and I played the girl who went off to college. We ultimately decided to film our movie on an iPhone. The use of an iPhone allowed us to record high quality sound and video without having to spend money on professional equipment. This is also because most of our movie is voiced over by music. One of the songs we plan on acting as a voice over is "Cigarette Daydreams by Cage the Elephant”. This music will play until the character who is in high school has parked her car. This music will be inserted after we have filmed all our scenes. We plan on at this point in the film to record the main character (character in high school) attempting to make a call to her friend in college. The main character then leaves a voice message to her friend. It will involve her telling her friend that she should come back home and making fun of her friend for going away to become a nurse or doctor. We then plan on playing more upbeat music and showing the title “One day or Day one”. This will show that the main character is trying to convince herself that she is confident and can move on without her friends. She wants to be able to boost to her friend that she can have a life without her. This will help to build the idea of the character’s personality and situation. This will be important to know throughout the movie. Another reason we did not have to use professional equipment is that me and my partner decided to do all our sound recording during filming. That means that we did not have to use sound equipment to get recording to insert later into our film. We also did not spend any money on makeup or clothing for the characters in our movie. We simply used what we had. There was also no money used on props. We simply used what we had at our houses. This means that are movie has a low budget.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Day 2 filming

In this blog I will be talking about where we filmed and what we filmed on the second day of filming. I will be talking about a difficulty/problem we had when filming.

Our second day of filming was on Saturday February 29,2019. On this day Bess and I decided to film the rest of the scenes in the two-minute opening we are creating. We filmed at the park in Lake Jovita and San Antonio park and a little at the Jiffy. We were assisted by Bess’s siblings who filmed us. They filmed us from different angles and perspectives. This allows us to get the many different scenes from many different perspectives and angles. That means that we will have many different options when we edit our opening scene. We took items such as a scooter, basketball and helmets to the San Antonio Park. This was in order to be able to do things best friends would do. We had Bess’s sibling’s film us scootering, swinging on swings and playing baseball. We also filmed while driving form place to place. This allowed us to have lots of content to work with when editing. We unfortunately only had two to three hours to film the video since Bess and I were busy. This meant that we were not able to shoot at many places we wanted to shot parts of the film at such as the Zephyrhills theater and the Jiffy. This means that we are going to have to film another day. We will be trying to film next Friday or during the weekend next week. This means that we will be able to get the filming done as soon as possible. This will allow us more time for editing both sound and film. This ultimately means that we will also have more time to figure out whether we need to film a scene again and are movie will be of higher quality.

Media Studies Project Final Product

It is finally done. It feels good to finish knowing that I personally went through a lot of stress doing this. I think we did a good job....