Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Editing process

In this blog post I will be talking about the editing process and difficulty we found when trying to edit our movie.  
Image result for davinci resolve

The editing software we decided to use was Davinci resolve. One problem we found is that both of us are not able to work on the editing. This means that one of us must oversee editing. My partner was left in charge of editing the film.  We however think we found a solution to this problem. We discovered that with the editing software may allow us to share. This however did not end up working out since neither of us could figure out how to share it and our computers we were using took three days to load the program.  

My computer was full, so I had to delete somethings to make room for the program. The program also needed to have another program installed in order to make the program install. This means that I also needed to make room for this program to be downloaded as well. My partner (Bess Rom) had it downloaded unfortunately she had to update her computer which also took her awhile. This means that both of us had to take time out of editing to download uploads and download the program.  This program however ended up working well since it is easy to edit with and allowed my partner to be able to edit sound in the same program. It also took a while for what we filmed to download into the program. It took several days to download since we filmed constantly. This means that we lost time to edit the film due to slow downloading. This means that we have less time to make decisions about how we want to edit our film and less time to determine whether we need to film more. We ultimately did not end up needing to film more. This ultimately meant we had less time to spend on the editing process.  

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