Sunday, March 8, 2020

Look and feel of our movie

In this blog I will be talking about the look and feel of our movie ad how our look and feel will be created.

We plan on making the scenes with the feeling when two characters are together versus when the one character is alone. We plan on doing this by adjusting the lighting in scenes with only the main character so that there is low key lighting. This will help to create a feeling of sadness and gloom. This will help to create a sense that the main character misses her friend. She is lonely without her friends. She wants to be with her friend again. She misses her friend deeply. She does not know how to live life without her. On the other hand, the scenes where the two characters are together me and my partner will either keep the lighting the same or brighten the lighting in the scenes with the two characters together. This will help to create a sense of joy and happiness. This will help to show the peace the character feels when she is with her friends. The joy she feels when she is with her friends. This is important because it helps to create of the contrast between the two characters together and one of the characters alone a sense that the one friend leaving brought a major change to the friend in high school. It destroyed what she thought she knew. In other words, it changed +the dynamic of her life. She was used to a life with her friend and now she does not know what to do. She is lost without her friend in her life. This contrast also helps to emphasize the difference in the main characters (the girl who is in high school) personality due to her friend leaving. She went from happy, joyful to sad and lonely.

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Media Studies Project Final Product

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