Sunday, March 29, 2020

The mess

In this blog I will talking about something that blew me and my partner's plans out of the water. I will also be talking about how far we are along on our Aice Media Studies project.

We ended up having a crisis due to a virus called the corona virus. This caused all the schools in Florida to be closed till the 15th of April. The crisis also has caused many people including my partner to quarantine. This unfortunately means that we could not take the time to shot at more locations like we wanted or to record the sounds we wanted. The good news is that most of our movie clip is voiced over by music meaning that we do not have to rely on recording sounds. The parts that we dis record sound for my friend can do at home since she plays the character who does the speaking in the movie clip. We also have a recording of the speaking part of the movie clip. This also meant that I could not help make very many editing decisions since she could not share the editing program so that leaves me to check to see how far she is on the project and to motivate her to get it done. I have been communicating with her to see how far we are. She is currently editing video to get it perfect and has done some editing with sound. This means that we are pretty far along. The good news is that it has given me and my partner more time to work on the project as a whole since we do not have school. It gives me more time to write blogs and to edit old blogs. This means that they will most likely end up of higher quality. This will benefit my Aice Media studies project grade as a whole. It will give me a more likely chance of getting a higher grade.


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Media Studies Project Final Product

It is finally done. It feels good to finish knowing that I personally went through a lot of stress doing this. I think we did a good job....