Sunday, March 8, 2020

Type of budget

In this blog post I will be talking further about who ended up playing in our movie, technology we used to film our movie and sound in our movies. I will also be talking about the budget for our movie

My partner (Bess) and I ended up playing the actors in our film. This meant that Bess ended up playing the girl in high school whose friend went off to college and I played the girl who went off to college. We ultimately decided to film our movie on an iPhone. The use of an iPhone allowed us to record high quality sound and video without having to spend money on professional equipment. This is also because most of our movie is voiced over by music. One of the songs we plan on acting as a voice over is "Cigarette Daydreams by Cage the Elephant”. This music will play until the character who is in high school has parked her car. This music will be inserted after we have filmed all our scenes. We plan on at this point in the film to record the main character (character in high school) attempting to make a call to her friend in college. The main character then leaves a voice message to her friend. It will involve her telling her friend that she should come back home and making fun of her friend for going away to become a nurse or doctor. We then plan on playing more upbeat music and showing the title “One day or Day one”. This will show that the main character is trying to convince herself that she is confident and can move on without her friends. She wants to be able to boost to her friend that she can have a life without her. This will help to build the idea of the character’s personality and situation. This will be important to know throughout the movie. Another reason we did not have to use professional equipment is that me and my partner decided to do all our sound recording during filming. That means that we did not have to use sound equipment to get recording to insert later into our film. We also did not spend any money on makeup or clothing for the characters in our movie. We simply used what we had. There was also no money used on props. We simply used what we had at our houses. This means that are movie has a low budget.

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