Thursday, February 27, 2020

Day one of filming

In this blog will be talking about me and my partners first day of filming. I will be talking about some errors we made and the scenes we filmed and where we filmed them.

Today was our first day of filming. We decided to film the scene of the main character arriving at school alone and giving her ex friend a call. We were wanting to get the whole scene done including the speaking part. We also decided to shoot an extra scene in case we wanted to include it in our movie. We decided to film at the high school today since we thought it would be a sunny day. It was a sunny day however it was also a cool day. It was in the 30's, This was difficult because the outfit we picked out for the character played by my partner Bess did not account for the cold weather. The good news is most of our scenes where shot inside the car and we also set the iPhone where I could not be seen but could stay in the car during the filming of the scene. That was a relieve to me since I was originally going to be standing out in the cold while Bess filmed the scenes where the main character was alone. Another difficulty we ran into was that we ran out of time to do the speaking parts enough times to do it perfect. We took too much time to film the parts where we were driving. This means that we are going to have to film on Monday or another day that looks like the day we filmed. This will mean that overall, we will have to spend more time making our movie since we don't want the scenes taking place at the high school to seem like they were shot on different days. Another difficulty we had was keeping the iPhone from family during scenes where we were driving around the parking lot. We had to stabilize it using a case and my phone. One of the most difficult clips to film was the speaking portion since my partner had to fake a sassy and upset tone. One of the most fun scenes for me personally was filming the scenes where we drove around the parking lot will filming my partner Bess. Another fun scene was a scene which I helped to film was the extra scene where we drive and filmed so that we could see the gear shift and the dash and a little of the outside. I was filming this scene from the backseat of the car. It was funny because every time we would go over a speed dump the camera would wobble so I would have to try to hold it still

Filming plans

n this blog I will be talking about one of the requirements the production company did not meet and why we decided to change. I will also be talking about movies associated with the production movie we chose.

We ultimately decided to go with the production company “Spotlight Pictures” which is owned by Walt Disney Studios. This means it does not meet the requirement of being an independent production company like we originally wanted. It however specializes in both independent and comedy-drama movies. This means that our movie is more likely to be a success since this movie production company has had a lot of experience with comedy dramas and independent films.

Some movies associated with this production company is “The Tree of Life”, “Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri” and “The Descendants”. “The Tree of Life” is a 2011 pg 13 rated Drama/ Fantasy which premiered in 2011 at the Cannes Film Festival. It later made it to the theaters. It had a budget of 32 million and ultimately ended up earning a total of 61.7 million at the box office. This means this movie ended up with little to no debt. “Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri” is 2017 R rated Drama/ Crime. It had a budget of 12-15 million and earned 160.1 million at the box office. This means that the movie ended with little to not debt. “The Descendants” which is a 2011 R rated drama/ comedy drama and had a budget of 20 million and earned a total 177.2 million at the box office. This means that the movie ended up with little to no debt. This shows that this movie company has had experience with making successful comedies or/and dramas. It has even had success with making comedy drama. This means that our movie is more likely to be a success since this production company has had experience creating successful movies


“Searchlight Pictures.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 28 Feb. 2020,

The Tree of Life (Film).” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 26 Feb. 2020, 

The Descendants.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 1 Mar. 2020, 

“Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 16 Feb. 2020,,_Missouri.

“The Tree of Life.” IMDb,, 17 May 2011,

“Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri.” IMDb,, 1 Dec. 2017,

“The Descendants.” IMDb,, 9 Dec. 2011,

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Filming Schedule

In this week blog posts I will be talk about me and my partners filming schedule and where we might be filming.

Me and my partner plan on filming on Saturday day of this week (February 28th). We also have other days scheduled to film in case we end up taking too much time filming a certain part of the film. We designated these days mostly because most of our filming will take place in public place. This means that our film could be interrupted at any time. For example, someone could walk into our shot which would ruin our shot. We also have these designated days in case we end up messing up a scene. For example, we laugh during a scene where we are supposed to seem depressed or sad. Another reason we have these designated days is in case something comes up or weather prohibits us from being able to film that day. One of our possible filming locations is at the Jiffy in Dade city. We plan on filming at the Jiffy during a time when there won’t be many people there. This means that we can avoid having to many interruptions to our shots. Another possible filming location is the Zephyrhills theater. This is again a public place which could end up being crowded. We plan on however filming outside of the Zephyrhills theater so that gives us a greater chance of not having people in our shot then inside Zephyrhills theater. We also plan on filming at the park and at our school (Pasco High School). The park is not too difficult to film at. This is because it is big so there our places where there are no people. The school is not that difficult either since we plan on filming sometime either during class or after school. This means that it wouldn’t be as busy plus it is big so there are plenty of places to film without people. We will also be possible filming at Twistee Treat or Dices. In addition, we are planning on driving around Dade City and Zephyrhills finding places to film.

Monday, February 24, 2020

More research on production company

In this blog I will be continuing research on possible production companies for me and my partner’s movie.

The next production company I looked at that had produced “The Way Way Back” was What Just Happened Productions. This company did not meet the requirements however because it has only ever produced one movie and that movie is "The Way Way Back". This means that the company does not much experience with producing movies. We need a company that is experienced so that the company can help us determine what the best route is for ultimate success. The next production company I looked into was MWM Studios . MWM Studios is an American production company founded in 2015. It also helped to produce “The Way Way Back”.This production company does meet the requirements to be a production company for me and my partner’s movie. This company however mostly concentrates on crime / drama movies and adventure movie. This is shown by the fact that this company’s three most popular movies are all crime/dramas . This means that this production company might not be the best choice because we do not want to create a crime drama . We want to create a comedy drama. The fact that this company has not created many comedies shows that they have little experience creating light hearted movies.

The next production company I looked at that had produced “The Way Way Back” is The Walsh Company.The Walsh Company is a production company founded in 1992 by John Walsh. This company like What Just Happened has only produced movie. This means that it does not meet the requirements for a production company which me and my partner would use. The fact that it only produced one movie means that this company does not have enough experience to know what the right and wrong things are to do with a movie.

“Madison Wells Media.” Madison Wells Media,

“MWM Studios.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 16 Mar. 2020,

About.” Madison Wells Media,

With MWM Studios.” IMDb,,

“John Walsh (Filmmaker).” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 25 Mar. 2020,

“With The Walsh Company.” IMDb,,

Movie Insider. “Everything You Need to Know About The Way, Way Back Movie (2013): Oct. 7, 2013 - Added the US DVD Release Date of October 22, 2013.” Movie Insider, 4 Dec. 2012,

“With What Just Happened Productions.” IMDb,,

“About.” But It Did Happen Productions,

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Research on production companies

In this blog I will be doing research on independent production companies. I will be determining some possible production companies me, and my partner might consider.

When doing this research, I had a hard time determining how I would go about doing the research. I at first started to look up independent production companies and then research them individually. This I however determined would take an excessive amount of time. I then decided to determine by looking at movies I had already researched and looking at the success of the production company that produced them.

One of the first movies I looked at was "Crazy Rich Asians" was a very successful 2018 comedy drama grossing 235.8 million dollars with a budget of 30 million dollars. It was produced by Color Force. This did not meet the requirement of me and my partner since Color Force is not an independent film company. Another film that I looked at was “The Way Way Back” which is a 2013 Pg-13 drama/ comedy-drama which grossed 26.9 million with a budget of 5 million. It was produced by four different independent production companies including Sycamore Pictures, MWM Studios, What Just Happened Productions and The Walsh Company. This means that all these movies are potential choices as a production company. Sycamore Pictures is an American production company which was founded in 2011. This company does not meet me and my partners requirement of having to have been successful with comedies or/and dramas. Many of this company’s movies didn’t manage to make up the money spent on the movie. One example is “Mississippi Grind” which was a 2015 drama which had a budget of 6 million dollars and grossed 422,746. Another example is “The Hollars” which was a 2016 P-13 drama/ comedy-drama that had a budget of 3,800,00 and grossed 1,138,609. This movie studio had two successful movies however most of their movies did not end up being successful or have not been released.

Sources:“Color Force.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 17 Feb. 2020,

“Crazy Rich Asians (Film).” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 30 Jan. 2020,

“Crazy Rich Asians.” IMDb,, 15 Aug. 2018,

Crazy Rich Asians (Film).” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 20 Mar. 2020,

"The Way, Way Back.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 19 Dec. 2019,,_Way_Back.

“The Way Way Back.” IMDb,, 12 July 2013,

“With Sycamore Pictures.” IMDb,,

With Sycamore Pictures.” IMDb,,,asc.

“With Sycamore Pictures.” IMDb,,,desc.

“With Sycamore Pictures.” IMDb,,,asc.

“Sycamore Pictures.” Sycamore,

“Sycamore Pictures.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 23 July 2019,

“Madison Wells Media.” Madison Wells Media,

“MWM Studios.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 16 Mar. 2020,

About.” Madison Wells Media,

“With MWM Studios.” IMDb,,

“Mississippi Grind.” IMDb,, 13 Aug. 2015,

“Mississippi Grind.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 14 Feb. 2020,

“The Hollars.” IMDb,, 26 Aug. 2016,

“The Hollars.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation12 Mar. 2020,

Requirements for production company

In this blog I will be talking about whether we want to work with an independent production company or a major production company. I will also be talking about me and my partner’s requirements and hopes for the production company we chose.

One of the major components we want in a production company is it must be an independent production company. This will give us more freedom to produce what we want to produce. It also must have had successful comedy or drama movies between the year 2010 and 2020. This means that the company has had success in recent years. This ensures that we don’t end up with a company which was successful but is about to go out of business now. We will also be looking for companies that have been specifically successful at making comedy dramas this is however not a requirement. This is because not many only focuses on comedy dramas. There are some companies that have been a success at comedies or/and dramas. This is acceptable because it shows that they have experience with movies like the one we want to make. We are also looking for production companies that have had little to no debt after production of the movie. This shows that the company was successful enough with their movie that they can continue making movies. One thing we hope to find in the production we chose but is not a requirement is that their movies have ended being distributed worldwide. This shows that the company not only knows how to create movies that appeal to an American audience but also to the rest of the world. This also helps to show that this company producing our movie could result in it being distributed successfully worldwide. This success ultimately could lead to money spent for the budget being made back.

Distribution company information

In this blog I will be talking changes me, and my partner made to what we are doing with are film. I will also be talking about the distribution company we chose, and movies associated with that distribution company.

One of the major changes we made is we decided to use an independent distribution company instead of a major distribution company. This decision means that we will have more freedom to produce the movie we want to produce. In other words, we can make decisions about what we want the movie to be about. We don’t have to follow the stereotypes. We get to make more of a decision about the characters’ in the movies personality and their personality.

The distribution company we chose was Roadside Attractions. It was founded in Los Angeles in 2003. It is associated with movies such as “The Puffy Chair”. The Puffy Chair is a 2005 R rated drama/ comedy drama. It grossed a total of 194, 523 dollars with a budget of 15,000. This means that the movie was able to earn some of the money back. This shows that this distribution company has had success with movies of our genre. This distribution company has also been successful with many comedies and dramas. This shows that the company has worked with films like ours before. There most successful movies being the pg-13 rated drama/ romance “Judy” and “The Peanut Butter Falcon” which is a 2019 drama/narrative. "The Peanut Butter Falcon" grossed a total of 22 million dollars with a budget of 6.2 million. This means that this company was able to distribute a movie good enough to have little to no debt. This shows that Roadside Attractions is willing to invest in movies such as ours that they believe will be a success. In other words they our willing to risk financial debt in order to distribute a movie that they believe will be successful.

Source:“Roadside Attractions.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 14 Feb. 2020,

“With Roadside Attractions.” IMDb,,

Indiewire. “Distributor Profile: Roadside Attractions.” IndieWire, 19 Aug. 2010,

News, Latest. Roadside Attractions,
“Films.” Roadside Attractions,

“The Puffy Chair.” IMDb,, 27 Apr. 2007,

“The Puffy Chair.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 15 June 2019,

“Judy.” IMDb,, 27 Sept. 2019,

“The Peanut Butter Falcon.” IMDb,, 23 Aug. 2019,

“The Peanut Butter Falcon.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 19 Mar. 2020,

Mendelson, Scott. “Box Office: 'Judy' Nears $15 Million As 'Abominable' Struggles In China And 'Hustlers' Nears $100 Million.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 13 Oct. 2019,

“Judy (Film).” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 23 Mar. 2020,

Mendelson, Scott. “Box Office: 'Judy' Nears $15 Million As 'Abominable' Struggles In China And 'Hustlers' Nears $100 Million.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 13 Oct. 2019,

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Final script

In this blog I will be talking about the final script for me and my partner’s movie.

Me and my partner ultimately decided to do a story about a girl in high school now while her friend is in college. We also decided we would concentrate on the character who is going into high school. It will concentrate on her life without her friend. The beginning clip will follow the character wandering around doing things she used to with her friends. She is walking around her old neighborhood trying to forget that her friend is no longer around. She is trying to except the fact that her friend has moved on without her. She tries to do the things she used to do but discovers she can’t function without her friend. She can’t do what she used to without her friend. She is so used to living life with a friend that there is an emptiness to her life. It has changed the whole dynamic of her life. They are now separated. Thier lives have diverged and will never be the same. They have to live their own lives now. This separation is emphasized by the fact that in the script we had the friend who is in high school call her friend who was in college. We had the friend who was in college not answer and not call back. This helps to emphasize that the two friends’ lives have diverged. They have diverged enough that they no longer call or communicate. The one friend attempts to and the other does not try. She has moved on from her friendship. She has moved on to more mature relationships. She has completely moved on with her life. She wants to have a new life which does not involve her friend. She wants a life which she can call her own. A life with new friends who she can hangout with.

Case study part 3

In this blog I will be talking about the distribution, marketing and cross-media convergence and synergy for the movie “Fighting with My Family”. The movie was first release at the 2019 Sundance Film Festival. This means that it was not distributed worldwide. This allow the production companies not to lose too much money if it failed. The movie after releasing at the 2019 Sundance Film Festival became a wide release film by February of 2019.This means that the movie was able to gain popularity. The movie in total grossed 41.5 million worldwide. This also means that the movie did not have advertisements on tv or on the internet. It was not until it became popular after premiering at the 2019 Sundance Film Festival that it became a wide release film. This was after it did well in four theaters in New York and Los Angeles. This means that originally the movie was only known by those planning on going to the Sundance Film Festival. The fact that the film managed to become this popular is lucky most movies do not become this popular. The movies which are shown at film festivals typically are either only shown at the film festival and are bought by streaming services such as Netflix, amazon prime tv or only gain minimal popularity. In other words, they only end up playing in a few theaters around the country. The fact that the movie also grossed 41.5 million means that the movie either ended up with little to no debt. It managed to earn four times its original budget. The movie became popular enough to be sold on dvd. This means that the movie was able to earn money from the sale of its movie. The movie did not sell merchandise for the movie however the movie encouraged people to purchase Page Bevis merchandise.

Sources:“Fighting with My Family.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 25 Feb. 2020,

“Fighting with My Family.” IMDb,, 21 Feb. 2019,

"The Saraya Store.” The Saraya Store,

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Case study part 2

In this blog I will be talking about more of the history and production of the movie “Fighting with My Family”. I will also be talking about the budget for the film and how other money was spent.

The events and characters are based on real events and characters’ real lives. Saraya-Jade Bevis who the movie is based on had parent who were former wrestlers like in the movie. She was born to Patrick Bevis and Julia Hamer-Bevis. They teamed up together in the 1990’s and won the British Open Championship four times. Her parents, like in the movie, also owned a wrestling club called the World Association of Wrestling where Saraya- Jade Bevis (Paige)started her wrestling career in 2005. The filming company did however add some character who did not exist in Paige’s real life at the time or not at all. In other words, they added fictional characters not based off of real people to the movie and real people that were not actually in Paige’s life at that time. An example if that is the Rock. The Rock did not meet Paige until Paige was signed by the WWE. This allowed for Rock to later tell Paige that she was going to premiere in the WWE that night and if she won over the crowd, she would become a part of the WWE. This means that the filming company film inserted a fictional event into pages life.

The movie itself was filmed in many different places. It was filmed in different places in England. It was also filmed in California and Florida. The budget for this movie was 11 million dollars. The MGM which is also is a production company involved in the production of “Fighting with My Family” spent 17.5 million to gain distribution rights. In other words, the right to sell the movie. Filming for the movie began on the 15th of February 2017.

Sources:“Paige (Wrestler).” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 12 Feb. 2020,

Truong, Peggy. “Here's the Real Deal with 'Fighting With My Family,' the Buzzy Wrestling Movie Produced by Dwayne Johnson.” Cosmopolitan, Cosmopolitan, 7 Feb. 2019,

“The Saraya Store.” The Saraya Store,

"Fighting with My Family.” IMDb,, 21 Feb. 2019,

Friday, February 14, 2020

Case study

In this week blogs I will talking about the message for me and my partners movie, possible production companies to produce our movie and its effect on the audience. I will also talk about the history/target audience, production, distribution, marketing, Cross-media convergence and synergy of a movie similar of the same film genre as our movie. This will allow us to determine some options for production companies.

In this blog I will be talking about the possible message if our movie and about the different aspects of a movie similar to ours.

The movie I will be talking about the history, target audience and production of “Fighting with My Family” which is a pg-13 2019 movie based on Paige Bevis journey to the WWE and her life when she was in the WWE. Paige Bevis a professional wrestler who started wrestling at the age of 13 and was the youngest person to win the Divas Champion. It was produced by WWE studio and Film4 and was announced in 2017. It was directed by Stephen Merchant. The fact that this is based on the life of a wrestler means that the movie audience is not only teens and young adults but also people who are a fan of wrestling. In other words, it appeals to people all ages who love wrestling or our fans of Paige Bevis. The cast was selected in 2017 only days after the announcement of its release. This cast included famous people such as Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. The executive producer and producer were already picked out also. The executive producers being Daniel Battsek, Dany Garcia, Andy Berman, Hiram Garcia, Tracy, Josephs, David Kosse and Rhodri Thomas. The producers being Dany Garcia, Dwayne Johnson, Stephen Merchant, Michael J. Luisi and Kevin Misher. This movie also had some uncredited actors such as Dylan Mitchell and Bryant Mudd. These actors played minor parts in the movie such as a fridge Teen and Audience Member (Monday Night Raw)

Sources: Fighting with My Family.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 25 Feb. 2020,

Fighting with My Family.” IMDb,, 21 Feb. 2019,

“'Fighting With My Family' Featurette Focuses on the True Story.” /Film, 22 Feb. 2019,

Brooks, Brian. “Sundance's 'Fighting With My Family' Slugs A Winning Open; '2019 Oscar Shorts' Strong: Specialty Box Office.” Deadline, 17 Feb. 2019,

Merchant, Stephen. “SR EXCLUSIVES.” ScreenRant, 14 Feb. 2019,

Truong, Peggy. “Here's the Real Deal with 'Fighting With My Family,' the Buzzy Wrestling Movie Produced by Dwayne Johnson.” Cosmopolitan, Cosmopolitan, 7 Feb. 2019,

“Production Starts on Fighting With My Family - Film4.” Film4 Productions, 7 Feb. 2017,

“Fighting With My Family - Film4.” Film4 Productions,

“Fighting With My Family (2019) - Financial Information.” The Numbers, 14 Feb. 2019,

“Fighting with My Family (2019).” Rotten Tomatoes,

“Film Review: Fighting with My Family Wrestles Against Its Own Inauthenticity.” Consequence of Sound, 23 Feb. 2019,

Geisinger, Gabriella. “Fighting With My Family Movie: Is Fighting With My Family Based on a True Story?”,, 3 Mar. 2019,

Brueggemann, Tom. “'Fighting With My Family' Breaks Out of Sundance at Specialty Box Office.” IndieWire, 17 Feb. 2019,

Pochin, Courtney. “Fighting With My Family Film Crew Enjoy Stunning Norwich City Views as They Shoot WWE Movie.” Eastern Daily Press, Eastern Daily Press,,

Sunday, February 9, 2020

The budget for our movie

In this blog I will be talking about the distribution of our movie, whether it will be a large studio or a small production movie and the budget for our movie.

The movie will be a low budget film because we will be filming most likely using either me or my partner’s phone and filming in a local area. This means that we will not need to make a set or pay to shot at some place. The use of cell phones will eliminate the need to purchase expensive equipment or an expensive editing program. In other words, a lot of editing can be done using the filters on our phones.

We plan to film with a large studio and distribute it around the world at the same time. We chose to do this because distributing worldwide gives us the chance to make money off our low budget movie. This is since not much money was spent on the movie which means that the production studio went into little to no debt making the movie This means that if even not very many see the movie at each place it is distributed around the world it still has a chance of making some of the money back or almost all of the money back. We plan on if it becomes popular enough to sell it to different streaming services and to sell it as dvd’s .This will make the movie even more money if this happens and might result in little to no debt.

We also want to film with a large studio because they are more willing to take the risk of a low budget film because they have lots of money. This means that if the movie ends up with a little debt the large studio will not be greatly affected. In other words, the large studio will not lose enough money to go out of business or even prevent them from making more movies.

Ideas for makeup and costuming of movie

In this blog I will be talking about possible makeup and costuming for the character in our film. I will also be talking about possible filming locations for our movie.

This film will most likely be filmed at a local park and local high school. These areas can be made to look like college towns. This means that if both characters environment it will seem realistic to where they are supposed to be. In this case the girl who went to college would be expected to be found at the college or in the town surrounding the college. A local high school or local park filmed correctly could look like a part of a college campus or a part of a college town. The girl who is not in college would be expected to be still hanging around her town or passing her local high school. In this case the setting of a local high school or local park would also work.

The makeup and costuming would depend on what the conflict is. For example, if we went with the idea that the two girls no longer have the same interests. One of the girls may be an athlete so they would be made up to look like they have been sweating and beating red. The girl would also be wearing a leather jacket or a sports uniform. The other girl if she is goth on the other hand could be made up to look pale. She would wear black clothing and possibly black hair. These outfits would not be the same if we went with the idea of one friend being fine without the other friend while the other is not. In this case the girls could have similar out however, one girls could have a darker outfit to represent that the girl is sad about her friend being able to move on without her.

Idea step 1

In this blog I will talking about the basic summary of one of me and my partner’s considerations for a film, possible ideas for premises based off this consideration and the intended audience.

One of the ideas that we might do a comedy drama on is about two friends who ones goes to college and one does not. This movie would revolve around the two friend’s lives without each other. It would focus on how they were living their lives without each other. This movie could involve many different conflicts.

One of these ways is to have one of the friends unable to deal with the leaving of their friend and the other to be perfectly fine without their friend. In this type of conflict one of the girls would have to be shown

Another one of these ways could be that the friends are no longer like each other. In other words, they no longer participate in the same activities as each other or even have the same personality. They have grown too understand each other. In this type of conflict, you could have one girl shown to be goth and into horror movies while the other friend is the most popular girl at the college. She is the star athlete at the school while her friend hangs out with troublesome kids who break the law.

The fact that this movie is centered around people of teen or young adult age. This means that me and my partner’s movie will be aimed towards a teen or young adult audience. This is since teens and young adults are more likely to understand the main characters since they are of relatively the same age. They still have memories of what it is like to be a teen or our teen, so they understand.

Titles analysis

In this blog I will be talking about what the titles look like for comedy dramas. I will be talking about common patterns I find with the titles. I will be talking about the information typically included in a title sequence.

I found that all the title sequences have the major film company’s opening sequence included. For example, in “The Way, Way Back” the opening sequence for Fox Searchlight Pictures is included. Another example is in “Julie and Julia” the opening sequence for Columbia a Sony Pictures Entertainment company. They also include the production companies and any other film companies involved in the making of the film. Some movies opening sequence also include the actors playing the main characters in the film however some include the actors in the ending sequence. For example, “Crazy Rich Asians” has the name of the actors at the end of the movie.

I also found that the title is usually sometimes in a mild color such as white or gray and are typically in a big font. There are exceptions to this rule; one of them being “Crazy Rich Asians”. The title in the title sequences of “Crazy Rich Asians” is in big front however is not of a mild color. The title is rather of a gold color. This title however fits with the premises of the movie since it is about a rich family. The color of the title in the title sequences also fits with the background. This overall aesthetic fits with the movie since gold is typically associated with rich people and blue and gold typically go together. I also found that the place of the title in the scene. For example, In the Way, Way Back the title is placed off to the side of the screen when shown. This helps to keep some of the focus on the fact that the characters are moving. This helps to let the audience know that they are still on their way to their destination. This makes it not confusing for the audience when the car is shown parked in the next scene.

Sources:“The Way Way Back (2013): the Movie Title Stills Collection.” The Movie Title Stills Collection: Updates, 15 Nov. 2013,
“The Way, Way Back.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 19 Dec. 2019,,_Way_Back.
Amazon, Goettsche Partners, 2011,
“The Way Way Back.” IMDb,,

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Review of research

In this blog I will be talking about what I learned by researching movie in the drama/comedy drama genre. I will also be talking about the different filming location of each movie and how they were used. In drama/ comedy dramas I found that the movie usually begins by not at first showing the characters rather showing there surrounding or their items first. They also sometimes begin by establishing something that is needed for the audience to understand what is happening in the scene For example, in The Way, Way Back the movie begins with establishing the fact that the characters are moving and what the main characters our traveling past. This is done by showing a blur of green and then blackness. This helps to establish the fact that characters are moving down the count. In the Way, Way Back the movie also begins by establishing the relationship between the character. It also helps to set the tension in the scene. They dislike each other. Another example is in Julie and Julia the movie starts out by establishing the setting of the movie and by establishing the relationship between Julie and her husband. They have a loving relationship in which both truly love each other,

I also noticed that in movies that are a part of the drama/ comedy drama genre typically contain mid shots which help to establish who the main character/characters are.It can also help to establish the personality of a character For example, in Crazy Rich Asians mid shots are used to establish the personality of Mrs. Young which is prevalent throughout the movie. It comes in conflict with Rachel Chu (main character) of the story. This is one of the main premises of the movie.

The films where filmed in many different locations. For example, Crazy Rich Asians was filmed in Malaysia and Singapore while Julie and Julia were filmed in New York and New Jersey. These movies both filmed parts of the that filming location that looked like the area the movie supposedly took place at. They both utilized the area they filmed in and used it to their advantage.

Source: “Crazy Rich Asians.” IMDb,,
“Julie & Julia.” IMDb,,

Media Studies Project Final Product

It is finally done. It feels good to finish knowing that I personally went through a lot of stress doing this. I think we did a good job....