Monday, February 24, 2020

More research on production company

In this blog I will be continuing research on possible production companies for me and my partner’s movie.

The next production company I looked at that had produced “The Way Way Back” was What Just Happened Productions. This company did not meet the requirements however because it has only ever produced one movie and that movie is "The Way Way Back". This means that the company does not much experience with producing movies. We need a company that is experienced so that the company can help us determine what the best route is for ultimate success. The next production company I looked into was MWM Studios . MWM Studios is an American production company founded in 2015. It also helped to produce “The Way Way Back”.This production company does meet the requirements to be a production company for me and my partner’s movie. This company however mostly concentrates on crime / drama movies and adventure movie. This is shown by the fact that this company’s three most popular movies are all crime/dramas . This means that this production company might not be the best choice because we do not want to create a crime drama . We want to create a comedy drama. The fact that this company has not created many comedies shows that they have little experience creating light hearted movies.

The next production company I looked at that had produced “The Way Way Back” is The Walsh Company.The Walsh Company is a production company founded in 1992 by John Walsh. This company like What Just Happened has only produced movie. This means that it does not meet the requirements for a production company which me and my partner would use. The fact that it only produced one movie means that this company does not have enough experience to know what the right and wrong things are to do with a movie.

“Madison Wells Media.” Madison Wells Media,

“MWM Studios.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 16 Mar. 2020,

About.” Madison Wells Media,

With MWM Studios.” IMDb,,

“John Walsh (Filmmaker).” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 25 Mar. 2020,

“With The Walsh Company.” IMDb,,

Movie Insider. “Everything You Need to Know About The Way, Way Back Movie (2013): Oct. 7, 2013 - Added the US DVD Release Date of October 22, 2013.” Movie Insider, 4 Dec. 2012,

“With What Just Happened Productions.” IMDb,,

“About.” But It Did Happen Productions,

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