Sunday, February 9, 2020

Ideas for makeup and costuming of movie

In this blog I will be talking about possible makeup and costuming for the character in our film. I will also be talking about possible filming locations for our movie.

This film will most likely be filmed at a local park and local high school. These areas can be made to look like college towns. This means that if both characters environment it will seem realistic to where they are supposed to be. In this case the girl who went to college would be expected to be found at the college or in the town surrounding the college. A local high school or local park filmed correctly could look like a part of a college campus or a part of a college town. The girl who is not in college would be expected to be still hanging around her town or passing her local high school. In this case the setting of a local high school or local park would also work.

The makeup and costuming would depend on what the conflict is. For example, if we went with the idea that the two girls no longer have the same interests. One of the girls may be an athlete so they would be made up to look like they have been sweating and beating red. The girl would also be wearing a leather jacket or a sports uniform. The other girl if she is goth on the other hand could be made up to look pale. She would wear black clothing and possibly black hair. These outfits would not be the same if we went with the idea of one friend being fine without the other friend while the other is not. In this case the girls could have similar out however, one girls could have a darker outfit to represent that the girl is sad about her friend being able to move on without her.

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Media Studies Project Final Product

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