Sunday, February 23, 2020

Requirements for production company

In this blog I will be talking about whether we want to work with an independent production company or a major production company. I will also be talking about me and my partner’s requirements and hopes for the production company we chose.

One of the major components we want in a production company is it must be an independent production company. This will give us more freedom to produce what we want to produce. It also must have had successful comedy or drama movies between the year 2010 and 2020. This means that the company has had success in recent years. This ensures that we don’t end up with a company which was successful but is about to go out of business now. We will also be looking for companies that have been specifically successful at making comedy dramas this is however not a requirement. This is because not many only focuses on comedy dramas. There are some companies that have been a success at comedies or/and dramas. This is acceptable because it shows that they have experience with movies like the one we want to make. We are also looking for production companies that have had little to no debt after production of the movie. This shows that the company was successful enough with their movie that they can continue making movies. One thing we hope to find in the production we chose but is not a requirement is that their movies have ended being distributed worldwide. This shows that the company not only knows how to create movies that appeal to an American audience but also to the rest of the world. This also helps to show that this company producing our movie could result in it being distributed successfully worldwide. This success ultimately could lead to money spent for the budget being made back.

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