Thursday, February 27, 2020

Day one of filming

In this blog will be talking about me and my partners first day of filming. I will be talking about some errors we made and the scenes we filmed and where we filmed them.

Today was our first day of filming. We decided to film the scene of the main character arriving at school alone and giving her ex friend a call. We were wanting to get the whole scene done including the speaking part. We also decided to shoot an extra scene in case we wanted to include it in our movie. We decided to film at the high school today since we thought it would be a sunny day. It was a sunny day however it was also a cool day. It was in the 30's, This was difficult because the outfit we picked out for the character played by my partner Bess did not account for the cold weather. The good news is most of our scenes where shot inside the car and we also set the iPhone where I could not be seen but could stay in the car during the filming of the scene. That was a relieve to me since I was originally going to be standing out in the cold while Bess filmed the scenes where the main character was alone. Another difficulty we ran into was that we ran out of time to do the speaking parts enough times to do it perfect. We took too much time to film the parts where we were driving. This means that we are going to have to film on Monday or another day that looks like the day we filmed. This will mean that overall, we will have to spend more time making our movie since we don't want the scenes taking place at the high school to seem like they were shot on different days. Another difficulty we had was keeping the iPhone from family during scenes where we were driving around the parking lot. We had to stabilize it using a case and my phone. One of the most difficult clips to film was the speaking portion since my partner had to fake a sassy and upset tone. One of the most fun scenes for me personally was filming the scenes where we drove around the parking lot will filming my partner Bess. Another fun scene was a scene which I helped to film was the extra scene where we drive and filmed so that we could see the gear shift and the dash and a little of the outside. I was filming this scene from the backseat of the car. It was funny because every time we would go over a speed dump the camera would wobble so I would have to try to hold it still

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