Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Final script

In this blog I will be talking about the final script for me and my partner’s movie.

Me and my partner ultimately decided to do a story about a girl in high school now while her friend is in college. We also decided we would concentrate on the character who is going into high school. It will concentrate on her life without her friend. The beginning clip will follow the character wandering around doing things she used to with her friends. She is walking around her old neighborhood trying to forget that her friend is no longer around. She is trying to except the fact that her friend has moved on without her. She tries to do the things she used to do but discovers she can’t function without her friend. She can’t do what she used to without her friend. She is so used to living life with a friend that there is an emptiness to her life. It has changed the whole dynamic of her life. They are now separated. Thier lives have diverged and will never be the same. They have to live their own lives now. This separation is emphasized by the fact that in the script we had the friend who is in high school call her friend who was in college. We had the friend who was in college not answer and not call back. This helps to emphasize that the two friends’ lives have diverged. They have diverged enough that they no longer call or communicate. The one friend attempts to and the other does not try. She has moved on from her friendship. She has moved on to more mature relationships. She has completely moved on with her life. She wants to have a new life which does not involve her friend. She wants a life which she can call her own. A life with new friends who she can hangout with.

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